Become a Member
It is never too late to join our extensive network of GTCC with more than 600 member companies. Our memberships are not limited to German nationals or German companies. Just send us your completed membership application and become part of our growing membership network.
The membership will become active after the Board of Directors' approval and the settlement of membership dues in advance for the periods of twelve months. There are different kinds of memberships to suit personal and corporate needs. Please select the membership type accordingly and send the digital copy of your signed application form to membership(at)
Ordinary Membership
is applied to companies registered in Thailand looking to access the extensive network of German-Thai business community.
- The member benefits are extended to all employees of the member companies.
- The annual membership fee starts at THB 19,260 and is THB 32,100 for companies with an annual worldwide turnover of more than 20 billion baht.
- Ordinary Members have the right to vote and to stand for election as a members of GTCC Board of Directors.
Associate Membership
is applied to companies registered outside of Thailand looking to access the extensive network of German-Thai business community.
- The member benefits are extended to all employees of the member companies.
- The annual membership fee starts at EUR 599.20 and is EUR 727.60 for companies with an annual worldwide turnover of more than EUR 500 million.
- Associate Members have no right to vote and are not permitted to stand for election as members of GTCC Board of Directors.
Memberships are as well available for individuals looking to access the extensive network of German-Thai business community.
- The member benefits are reserved for the individual and cannot be transferred.
- The annual membership fee is THB 7,704.
- Personal Associate Members have no right to vote and are not permitted to stand for election as members of GTCC Board of Directors.
Membership Benefits
Join the German-Thai Business Network
Brief Business Section in GTCC UPDATE e-Magazine
A half-page space in our quarterly e-magazine is available to promote your new products & services, new showroom/warehouse/office, company anniversary, new management.
Member News Section on GTCC Website
A free online space is available to share stories about your business announcements, new management, new products & services, current promotions and deals. The new stories will be updated weekly.
Check out our latest stories published in Member News section here.
Members’ Corner in UPDATE e-Magazine
Our new members are welcomed and introduced as a part of GTCC business community. The key business information, logo and representative contacts will be introduced in our quarterly e-magazine.
Online Membership Directory
Your profile and key business information will be updated in online directory. The following key business information of yours and other member companies include:
- Year of establishment in Thailand
- Number of employees in Thailand
- Headquarter
- Shareholder
- Production facilities / Branch offices in Thailand (if any)
Access exclusive Member Benefits
Membership Rate for GTCC Events
The reduced rate could be applied to Chamber’s representatives and all employees in the member companies at the following events:
- Content events: Breakfast Talk / Luncheon / Seminar & Workshop / Site visit – “A member-only event”
- Social events: AFTERWORK Networking / Young Professionals Network Evening / Eastern seaboard networking
- Annual events: Oktoberfest / Family Christmas party
Check out the list of our upcoming events here.
Promote your Business in GTCC Media
The reduced rate for member is available in most of our online media.
UPDATE e-Magazine
Published on a quarterly basis, each issue of the e-magazine contains key sections, including a special focus, Business Briefs, Chamber activities, GTDEE Insight, Members’ Corner and Trade Fairs.
Check out our 2025 UPDATE e-magazine advertisement rate here.
GTCC’s bi-weekly e-UPDATE is designed to provide readers with the latest information on GTCC events and updates on Thailand's economic development, industry sectors, investment, green technology, bilateral business relations, ASEAN growth and prospect, CSR, including the major movements of our members.
Check out our 2025 GTCC e-UPDATE advertisement rate here.