GTDEE Services

German-Thai Chamber of Commerce provide consultation service, coordinate with partner colleges and recruit qualified students to become apprentices under the GTDEE apprenticeship programme.

Consultation of German DVET covers as follows:

  • GTDEE Pre-Selection Test (Assessment Centre)
  • Accompanying support on the development of curricula and training plans
  • Soft skills workshops for apprentices such as presentation techniques, examination preparation sessions etc.
  • Registration of training company, colleges, teachers, trainers, apprentices and examiners
  • Supporting in Marketing, Advertising and PR of the programme via GTCC marketing channels

ADA - International (Train the trainer)

GTDEE is offering a Train the Trainer Seminar to certify “AdA International - Trainer the Trainer”, which is the highest international certification for apprenticeship trainers accredited by DIHK.

It can be called as a trainer qualification “Made in Germany”. This seminar is designed for trainers who are interested in the topic but have no prior experience in teaching apprentices.

It will prepare you to effectively train apprentices and will include topics such as teaching methods for breaking down complex tasks, learning styles, and much more.

The content of the course is based on operational tasks and encompasses four fields of activity:

  • Checking the prerequisites for training and planning courses
  • Preparing training sessions and influencing the attitude of the trainees
  • Carrying out training sessions
  • Concluding training courses

The heart of first-class vocational training is always the trainers. They are required to excel professionally and pedagogically in order to foster enthusiasm about a profession and inspire young people while providing content professionally. In Germany, this is guaranteed by the Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (AEVO) and the 80 German Chambers of Commerce and Industry worldwide.

The AdA International training can be used to promote trainer quality on-site. Quintessential for being professional is the ability to act competently in everyday business situations. This approach is reflected in the objectives of the “AdA International – Vocational Trainer Qualification” examination and the requirements concerning the examinees. These requirements are derived from the tasks which a trainer has to perform at his company in his various capacities.

The contents of the “AdA International – Vocational Trainer Qualification” reflect the core of the German trainer qualification focusing on the professional competence to act and make decisions. Consisting of four steps, the trainer qualification “made in Germany” provides exactly what companies need. Now, the GTCC is proudly offering all interested companies and responsible offices this high-quality tool for trainer qualification.

The goal of this training is to train the trainers according to the German model. The content is oriented in accordance with the German quality standards of AEVO.

The „AdA-International – Full version“ is required for the certification of apprentices according to the „German dual vocational and educational training (VET) abroad”.

Training Overview of “AdA-International Full version”:

Training duration120 training hours
Examination according to the AEVO70 questions, 180 minutes and 30 minutes presentation or demonstration of an instruction

Quality Assessment for Vocational Education

Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training by the German-Thai Dual Excellence Education

The Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training institutes (QA) strives to continually enhance the quality of education and school activities of the Thai colleges by offering professional expertise and an external perspective. We aim to identify the strengths of colleges while developing approaches for improvement by conducting surveys among the school management, teachers, students, school employees, parents and trainers from cooperating companies. 

The basis for the survey is the internationally tested and certified questionnaire from the School Development Program in Germany (self-evaluation in schools). These questionnaires are not only used for one GTDEE College but also by other GTDEE Colleges as well, thus enabling us to work with comparable results which allows us to draw conclusions from a wide pool of information. 

Furthermore, the GTDEE Quality-Team assess the College as a whole and the quality of the overall system based on the German School Development Programme and carefully selected quality fields and aspects.

We use a quantitative and qualitative approach consisting of a separate questionnaire as well as an observation-based scoring and graph system to provide meaningful and valuable feedback.

The final report presents the results of the quality analyses of the college and gives detailed insight into the internal process of the school. It supports the school management in further decision making regarding school development and significantly contributes to secure these decisions successfully.

A key focus of the quality analysis is the lesson observation process and the impressions of the workshop department.

In addition, the questionnaire documents and the statements of the interviewed target groups are included in the quality evaluation.

It is important to highlight that they are used to evaluate the quality of the teaching and training processes of the entire system and not to judge individual teachers or trainers.

The GTDEE Quality-Team assures that the school specific structures and the individual subjects are adequately addressed during the visit and observation process.

Naturally, the obtained data will be treated confidentially and all interviewed persons are made anonymous. 

Each school will be assessed according to specific quality fields (QF). The quality fields are separated into six categories:

QF1: Outcome at School

Within this field the "outcome" of teaching will be analysed.
The effectiveness of school-based measures are visualized on the basis of the acquired skills of students.
The expertise of the students is essential.

QF2: Learning and Teaching

The dimension "Learning and Teaching" is closely linked with the results.
Focus are however the competencies which students acquire in the course of schooling and more importantly the way how the students acquire those skills.
The teaching and learning processes are at the center.

QF3: School Culture

The quality of the "school culture" reflects the requirements for the development of a stimulating school and learning culture.
These include the design of the school as a living and learning environment as well as the promotion of esteeming and social behaviors.

QF4: Leadership and School Management

A decisive factor for a successful school development is its structured and efficient “leadership and management”.
Since the lead responsibility lies in the hands of the school administration, their actions must be governed by clear objectives and a professional school management.

QF5: Personnel development

School is a place of learning and teaching.
To improve the quality of these two interrelated processes, the school is responsible of the targeted “personnel development” and qualification of teachers.

QF6: Quality development

Fundamental to the strategic and targeted “quality development” of the school is the understanding of common values and principles.
The corresponding objectives and strategies of education development are established in the school program.

Apprenticeship Development in

  • Mechatronics
  • Automotive Mechatronics
  • Electric Power
  • Electronics for Elevator
  • Warehouse (Logistics)
  • Mechanics
  • QA